When Daddy Wasn’t Looking (Nice and Dirty Series Book 1) – Lola StVil

When Daddy Wasn't Looking

It’s in Kindle Unlimited on Amazon

Doesn’t the cover model dude look like Kerr Smith with a beard?!


He played Jack on Dawson’s Creek… If you didn’t know that, go find Dawson’s Creek and watch it. All of it…. Is it on Netflix or Amazon? I don’t know. I have the DVD’s from like 2007, so I’m not sure! But find it, watch it, make fun of it and yourself at 16. It will do you good 🙂

So, the book caught my attention because I am a Kerr Smith fan, so even though I hate the title and I’m 95% turned off from anything that has the word “Daddy” in the Book Title, Blurb, or Promo, I gave it a shot

**I wish I had saved a copy of the “Sponsored Ad” that showed up in my Facebook News feed. I’ve seen a couple of them for this book just this past week, but I don’t think either of them was the one that caught my eye. If it ever comes back around, I’ll edit and put it here!

For the most part, I really liked this book. “Daddy’s Best Friend” books are iffy for me. Add in 18 year old virgin troupe and I never know what I’m going to end up with!

I love that Hawk really is a good guy, despite fucking his best friend’s daughter (but he loves her, so I forgive him). I am a sucker for a rough around the edges good guy, even though the whole rest of the world seems to exclusively love bad boys turned “good” -to varying degrees.

It’s been a long time since I’ve been 18 (or a virgin, for that matter) so it’s hard to relate to Lucy, but Lola StVil did a good job of not turning her into an “I’m 18 and cute and the world revolves around me!” that seems to irritate the hell out of me in the “New Adult” genre of Romance. The fact that I’m Hawks age and think that maybe he needs to find himself a woman our age, who maybe deserves a good fucking for making it through life so far, didn’t stop me from enjoying the book. It’s the first book I’ve read by Lola StVil and I’ll have to check out her others.



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