The Dead Key – D.M. Pulley

The Dead Key

Find it on Amazon – It’s even on Kindle Unlimited!

Of course, this cover caught my eye at the library. I’m so into covers, I mean really. I know it shouldn’t be a factor, but a well done cover just makes me happy and more into wanting to read the book!


I really liked this book! This is the first book that I’ve read by D.M. Pulley, and as I was finding the picture for the post, I saw that there are 2 other books in KU! The stories of Beatrice and Iris and their experiences was so well thought out and executed! How things were connected over a period of 20 years and how they were working together, was so well done!

Poor Beatrice! I mean, at 16 years old I didn’t handle anything well, and she was so smart she did what the police and the FBI could never do!  And, as Iris felt like she was losing her mind, I felt the same way! D.M. really pulled me in and I could feel the emotions that Iris was feeling and the paranoia that kicked in.  – You’re not being paranoid if someone is really fucking with you!

I was surprised exactly how the ending worked itself out, and I had mixed emotions about how things went!

I worked at a few banks years ago, and maybe that is why I was drawn into the story so much too. It has really made me wonder what for real happens to safe-deposit boxes when they are defaulted on!

I’m looking forward to reading the other books that D.M. has written. They are going on my TBR!


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